Monday, October 5, 2015

Parties & Gift Giving

BY The Momgician IN No comments

I'm not certain about your weekly social calendar, but I'm starting to feel like I need to plan my social calendar around my daughter's nonstop social life.  Oh did I mention that she's 6 years old....  Yes, you read it right, 6 years old!  I love my daughter, I truly do but she has a nonstop social calendar, especially when school is in session.  The play dates, extra curricular activities and the BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!!

My daughter has about 28 children in her classroom, not to mention, friends from her previous class and school.  She gets invited to every event known to man!  I truly appreciate the fact that my daughter is an extrovert and can be a social butterfly but my pockets are not always inline with my daughter's social lifestyle.  Not to mention, she gets upset whenever I pick out her friend's birthday presents.  I had to explain to her that mommy is not rich and I cannot afford to purchase $75 gifts for every child's birthday party.  There have been weekends in which we've had 3 parties to attend.  At times I've became overwhelmed with trying to take care of my regular weekend errands and trying to remember to buy gifts for these various birthday parties. 

I was talking to my daughter's tutor one day about my dilemma and she gave me a great idea that I've been utilizing for a little over a year.  Buying birthday presents in bulk and in advance.  I was thinking to myself, why didn't I think of this before...  Now I purchase presents whenever I'm out shopping or online and see a sale.  I usually purchase items that my children like at the moment,   I take them and put them away for a rainy day.  

You don't know how helpful this tactic has been over the past year.  It has even helped me when I've been invited to last minute children's parties and didn't want to show up empty-handed...  This tactic is also very helpful around Christmas time as well.  How many times have you had that unexpected gift from someone and you needed to find something in a pinch.  Now I always have additional gifts on hand.


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