Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Magic of a Village

BY The Momgician IN 1 comment

Everyone has heard the African Proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child".  The fact is, it does!   

Every magician has an assistant or famulus, because a good magic act could not be pulled off without help and the role of a parent is too large of a task to take on alone.

I know that there are a lot of people out there that have raised children on their own with little to no support from others (that person might be you), however, I'm certain if they had it their way, they would have welcomed the help.

Thankfully, I am one of those very fortunate people in which I have a great team of support.  Some are hired, most are not.  My team of support consists of my family and very close friends I can call on in a pinch to help me with my children.  I work in the social service field and even on a supervisory level, my work hours can be very unpredictable. 

I know bragging is not nice, but I must brag, because my team of support (village) are AMAZING!!!  I've been able to go on kids free vacations annually, date night with my significant other, late night work events and various unexpected outings.  If it wasn't for my village, none of this would be possible...  My life would be complicated and it probably would have affected my chances of getting promoted because networking is extremely important in any field of work (which always happens in the evening or weekends).

One part of my village is called the "Dual Moms".  It's not exactly what one might think...  We're a group of friends that have known each other for at least 20 years.  Two of us have children and the other two are our backup moms (Godmothers).  One pair of the dual moms resides in New Jersey and the other in New York.  Ironically our daughters birthdays are two weeks apart, we even planned our baby showers around each other to ensure it did not conflict with one another.  Our children are the best of friends and call each other cousins, so you know many play dates are planned throughout the year.

In this particular part of the village, we have cried together, shared our losses, frustrations, hopes and desires with one another.  This village has helped me through some really tough times in my life; which has allowed me to be the great mom I was destined to be and "The Momgician" that's able to sprinkle a little bit of magic into my children's lives everyday!

 Another part of my village is my family.  My sister and I are only 4 years apart from each other, but there is a 15-16 years age gap between our children.  When my sister was raising her children, I was her backup and her children calls me "Momti" (Mommy/Auntie).  Although they are in their early 20's now, I'm still there for them.  As an advocate, mentor and of course, financial assistance.  Thankfully there is this age gap, because I can call on my niece and nephew for assistance with my children!  Not to mention, they are very responsible and dependable.  I also can call on my sister, although she's SO past the parenting of little children stage, she's there when I need her most.       

To my wonderful Village, you know who you are and the role you play in our lives.  I want to thank you for making everyday easier and for helping me while I take on this monumental task of parenthood!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Parties & Gift Giving

BY The Momgician IN No comments

I'm not certain about your weekly social calendar, but I'm starting to feel like I need to plan my social calendar around my daughter's nonstop social life.  Oh did I mention that she's 6 years old....  Yes, you read it right, 6 years old!  I love my daughter, I truly do but she has a nonstop social calendar, especially when school is in session.  The play dates, extra curricular activities and the BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!!

My daughter has about 28 children in her classroom, not to mention, friends from her previous class and school.  She gets invited to every event known to man!  I truly appreciate the fact that my daughter is an extrovert and can be a social butterfly but my pockets are not always inline with my daughter's social lifestyle.  Not to mention, she gets upset whenever I pick out her friend's birthday presents.  I had to explain to her that mommy is not rich and I cannot afford to purchase $75 gifts for every child's birthday party.  There have been weekends in which we've had 3 parties to attend.  At times I've became overwhelmed with trying to take care of my regular weekend errands and trying to remember to buy gifts for these various birthday parties. 

I was talking to my daughter's tutor one day about my dilemma and she gave me a great idea that I've been utilizing for a little over a year.  Buying birthday presents in bulk and in advance.  I was thinking to myself, why didn't I think of this before...  Now I purchase presents whenever I'm out shopping or online and see a sale.  I usually purchase items that my children like at the moment,   I take them and put them away for a rainy day.  

You don't know how helpful this tactic has been over the past year.  It has even helped me when I've been invited to last minute children's parties and didn't want to show up empty-handed...  This tactic is also very helpful around Christmas time as well.  How many times have you had that unexpected gift from someone and you needed to find something in a pinch.  Now I always have additional gifts on hand.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fall Family Fun!!!

BY The Momgician IN No comments

During the Fall season in NYC/Tri-State area, there are so many fun activities to do with the family.  Most of the times, the issue becomes which ones can we really fit into our weekend schedule.  Here are some of my top picks for the Fall.

Bronx Zoo (Boo At the Zoo)
#BooAtTheZoo #MyBudgetTravel

I've been a member of the Bronx Zoo for 5 years.  It has been one of the best investments I've ever made!  One of the most exciting thing to do at the Bronx Zoo is Boo at the Zoo.  This event is held every weekend in October.  Some of the highlights of Boo at the Zoo:

·     3-D Pumpkin Carving Sand Sculpture USA create pumpkin carvings of different animals each weekend

·     Costume Parade - The Alice Farley Dance Company will lead the costumed kids in an Animal Mystery and Mischief Parade!

·     Treat Stations - Kids can safely trick or treat around the zoo with snacks from Welch's Fruit Snacks, Pirates Booty, Hershey's milk chocolate treats, and various gummy candies!

Sesame Place (
The Count’s Halloween Spooktacular)

Sesame Place is another destination in which I have an annual membership.  During the Fall season, Sesame Place has the Count's Halloween Spooktacular every weekend in October. Sesame Place highlights: 

·     Shows - There are several Halloween themed shows to attend throughout the day.  The Not-Too-Spooky Howl-O-Ween Radio Show, Who Said Boo! and Elmo the Musical—Halloween!

·     Rides - Although Sesame Place is known for it's water rides, during the Fall/Winter seasons, Sesame Place adds several rides to the park.  Sesame Place rides are family friendly but do have height restrictions, however, there is something for everyone.
·     Treats - What's Halloween without treats?  Well look no further, there are treats to be found throughout the park at various treat stations.  

Apple/Pumpkin Picking

One of my favorite activities in the Fall is apple picking!  There are so many apple picking farms in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I could dedicate an entire blog to them alone.  Which farm one chooses is a personal choice that might be based on location/ distance, activites available and farm standards (organic, Eco-certified, etc).

·     Fishkill Farm - A family-run u-pick orchard and organic vegetable farm in the Hudson Valley, NY.  They have delicious apple cider donuts and there always seems to be a backyard style party going on.

·     Demarest Farm - This over a century old orchard is located in Hillsdale, NJ.  Along with their apple picking, they have home grown vegetables, bakery, deli, home made donuts and you can also enjoy a hayride. 

Little Club Heads

Are you looking for some high energy fun for your kid(s) that LOVES to party?  Well Little Clubs Heads is the place for you!  A party destination that's not only fun but is made just for the little ones. They usually have one Little Club Heads party a month.  For the month of October, there will be two Halloween events.

·     Pre-Halloween Party (Jersey City ) - Friday, October 23, 2015
Grace Church Van Vorst, 39 Erie Street, Jersey City, NJ

·     Halloween  Party (NYC ) - Saturday, October 31st, 2015
Broad Street Ballroom, 41 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004

Friday, October 2, 2015

Trying to Conceive....

BY The Momgician IN No comments

Disclaimer:  The following topic might be difficult for some people, especially those that are having difficulties conceiving or unable to conceive a child.